
This chapter documents the release procedure of DQCsim. A release consists of a git tag object and an accompanying GitHub release. Build artifacts for the tag reference are generated and published by the Release workflow.


  • Create a new branch from an up-to-date master branch: git checkout master, git pull origin master and git checkout -b release-1.2.3.
  • Update version number in rust/Cargo.toml. Run cargo check in the root of the repository to reflect the version update in the Cargo.lock file.
  • Update version number in the project command in CMakeLists.txt.
  • Add new entry to To list all commits since the previous tag reference use: git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --oneline | xargs -L1 echo.
  • Stage the release commit by adding modified files and committing: git add rust/Cargo.toml Cargo.lock CMakeLists.txt and git commit -m "Release 1.2.3".
  • Push the branch and create a pull request on GitHub.


  • Merge the pull request with reviewers approval and all checks passed.
  • Update your local repository: git checkout master and git pull origin master.
  • Create the tag object: git tag -s 1.2.3. Add the entry for this version as tag message.
  • Push the tag object: git push origin 1.2.3.


  • The release workflow is triggered by pushing the tag object. The workflow creates a GitHub release and uploads the generated artifacts to PyPi and Validate the workflow passes without errors.