Singular measurements

Singular measurements, i.e. a single measurement for a single qubit, are represented through meas handles.

Constructing measurement objects

Measurement objects are constructed using dqcs_meas_new().


Constructs a new measurement object.

dqcs_handle_t dqcs_meas_new(
    dqcs_qubit_t qubit,
    dqcs_measurement_t value

qubit must be set to the qubit that was measured, value must be set to its value. The return value is the handle to the measurement object, or 0 if something went wrong.

Note that measurement objects implement the arb interface, so additional data can be attached to the object.

They are also mutable after construction.


Sets the qubit reference associated with a measurement object.

dqcs_return_t dqcs_meas_qubit_set(
    dqcs_handle_t meas,
    dqcs_qubit_t qubit

Sets the measurement value associated with a measurement object.

dqcs_return_t dqcs_meas_value_set(
    dqcs_handle_t meas,
    dqcs_measurement_t value

Attaching custom data

Measurement objects support the ArbData protocol for attaching custom data. That is, all dqcs_arb_*() API calls can be applied to measurement handles.

Querying measurement objects

The measurement value and qubit reference can be queried from a measurement object as follows.


Returns the qubit reference associated with a measurement object.

dqcs_qubit_t dqcs_meas_qubit_get(dqcs_handle_t meas)

Returns the measurement value associated with a measurement object.

dqcs_measurement_t dqcs_meas_value_get(dqcs_handle_t meas)