The components of a simulation

DQCsim divides a mixed quantum-classical simulation up into up to four different types of components. Put briefly, these are:

  • the frontend, which deals with the microarchitecture-specific classical part of the simulation;
  • the backend, which deals with simulating the quantum mechanics behind the qubits, usually in a microarchitecture-agnostic way;
  • any number of operators, which sit between the frontend and backend to monitor or modify the gate and measurement streams flowing between them;
  • and an optional host program, which treats the simulated quantum computer as an accelerator.

The frontend, backend, and operators are collectively referred to as plugins. Frontend and operator plugins produce a stream of gates (gatestream source), while operator and backend plugins consume such a stream (gatestream sinks). The measurement stream flows in the opposite direction, in response to the execution of a measurement gate. We'll commonly use downstream and upstream to refer to stream directions between the plugins (or the next plugin over in said direction); in this case the gatestream is used for the direction reference. That is, in a simulation with just a frontend and a backend, the backend is the downstream plugin for the frontend.

Which plugins are used for a simulation is decided by the host program when it initializes the simulation. If you don't need any special host logic, you can also use DQCsim's command-line interface to start the simulation, which normally behaves like a host that just starts and stops a simulation without interacting with it.

Process boundaries

The plugins and host programs are usually all separate processes. The host side of DQCsim spawns these plugin processes and handles all communication between them for you, so you don't need to think about it. This requires you to fundamentally separate your host, frontend, and backend logic, which will help others understand and reuse parts of your code later on. It also prevents invalid memory accesses caused by bugs from propagating into other parts of the simulation, which helps you locate the source of the problem faster.

Perhaps most importantly, the process boundaries let you program the components in different languages. After all, different problems have different requirements and different programmers solving them; there is no one language that can solve everything efficiently! Normally such language boundaries are so cumbersome that you have to pick a single language for the whole, but DQCsim handles it all for you. There is absolutely zero difference between a plugin written in C, C++, Python, or Rust from the perspective of another plugin in the same simulation!

Null plugins

To simplify testing a little bit, particularly the regression tests of DQCsim itself, DQCsim also provides a so-called "null" plugin of each type. The frontend simply does nothing, the operator passes all gates and measurements through unchanged, and the backend returns 50/50 measurement results but otherwise does nothing.