Controlling simulations

Right now, our Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm always executes all oracles once and logs the results. This is fine when you just want to run it once, but what if you want to run it 1000 times, maybe with an error model in between, and apply some statistics to the results? You could of course make a script that just calls the DQCsim command line 1000 times and parses the stderr stream for every call... but that would be a very fragile solution, and it'd be annoying to make.

Instead, we can use DQCsim's host interface. Let's change the frontend plugin to make use of this feature.

from dqcsim.plugin import *

@plugin("Deutsch-Jozsa", "Tutorial", "0.2")
class MyPlugin(Frontend):

    def oracle_constant_0(self, qi, qo):
        """x -> 0 oracle function."""

    def oracle_constant_1(self, qi, qo):
        """x -> 1 oracle function."""

    def oracle_passthrough(self, qi, qo):
        """x -> x oracle function."""
        self.cnot_gate(qi, qo)

    def oracle_invert(self, qi, qo):
        """x -> !x oracle function."""
        self.cnot_gate(qi, qo)

    def deutsch_jozsa(self, qi, qo, oracle):
        """Runs the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm on the given oracle. The oracle is
        called with the input and output qubits as positional arguments."""

        # Prepare the input qubit.

        # Prepare the output qubit.

        # Run the oracle function.
        oracle(qi, qo)

        # Measure the input.
        if self.get_measurement(qi).value:

    def handle_run(self, oracle='', runs=1):

        oracle = {
            '0': self.oracle_constant_0,
            '1': self.oracle_constant_1,
            'x': self.oracle_passthrough,
            '!x': self.oracle_invert,
        }.get(oracle, None)

        if oracle is None:
            raise ValueError('Please specify an oracle!')

        qi, qo = self.allocate(2)

        for _ in range(runs):
            self.deutsch_jozsa(qi, qo, oracle), qo)


When we try to run this frontend with DQCsim's command line, you'll get an error:

$ dqcsim null
...  Info dqcsim  Starting Simulation with seed: 15043164643727486506
...  Info back    Running null backend initialization callback
...  Info dqcsim  Executing 'start(...)' host call...
...  Info dqcsim  Executing 'wait()' host call...
... Error front   Please specify an oracle!
...  Info dqcsim  Reproduction file written to "".
... Fatal dqcsim  Simulation failed: Please specify an oracle!
...  Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0
...  Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0

Indeed, we've changed the algorithm such that our handle_run() callback wants some arguments.

Remember how the start() call takes an ArbData as argument? The Python module passes the contents of this ArbData as arguments to handle_run(). Specifically, the binary strings are passed as positional arguments (*args), and the toplevel entries in the JSON/CBOR object are passed as keyword arguments (**kwargs). This abstraction is used all over the place in the Python layer, including when you have to send an ArbData with it, because it gives the callbacks a nice, Pythonic interface.

It's possible to tell the command-line interface to pass arguments to the start() call as follows, though the syntax isn't very friendly:

$ dqcsim -C 'start:{"oracle":"x"}' null
... Info dqcsim  Starting Simulation with seed: 13451103132954817086
... Info back    Running null backend initialization callback
... Info dqcsim  Executing 'start(...)' host call...
... Info dqcsim  Executing 'wait()' host call...
... Note dqcsim  'wait()' returned {}
... Info dqcsim  Reproduction file written to "".
... Info dqcsim  Simulation completed successfully.
... Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0
... Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0

Now we don't get an error anymore... but we also don't get any output. Look again at the revised Python script: instead of logging the results, we send() them. send() takes an ArbData as argument, and thus, like the syntax we used for our handle_run() callback, we can construct it by passing positional and keyword arguments.

To see the result, we need to make DQCsim call recv() before it exits. We can do that through the command line as well:

$ dqcsim -C 'start:{"oracle":"x"}' -C recv null
... Info dqcsim  Starting Simulation with seed: 8371252716093296353
... Info back    Running null backend initialization callback
... Info dqcsim  Executing 'start(...)' host call...
... Info dqcsim  Executing 'recv()' host call...
... Note dqcsim  'recv()' returned {"result":"balanced"}
... Info dqcsim  Executing 'wait()' host call...
... Note dqcsim  'wait()' returned {}
... Info dqcsim  Reproduction file written to "".
... Info dqcsim  Simulation completed successfully.
... Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0
... Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0

Now dqcsim notes that the recv() call returned {"result":"balanced"}, which coincidentally is the correct output of the algorithm. Since we're still using the null backend, the result is just 50/50.

Constructing an accompanying host program

It makes little sense to do all that work only to get a less convenient command-line interface. Indeed, this mechanism is not intended to be used this way. You should use it with a host program instead.

You can write this in any of the languages DQCsim supports, since it runs in a different process. But since this is a Python tutorial, we'll use Python.

Here's an example of a host program that makes use of our modified frontend.

from import *

runs = 1000
oracle = 'x'

with Simulator('', 'null') as sim:
    sim.start(oracle=oracle, runs=runs)
    results = [sim.recv()['result'] for _ in range(runs)]

print('Number of balanced outcomes:', results.count('balanced'))
print('Number of constant outcomes:', results.count('constant'))

Calling this script may yield the following:

$ python3
... Info dqcsim  Starting Simulation with seed: 14750381695807274720
... Info back    Running null backend initialization callback
... Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0
... Info dqcsim  PluginProcess exited with status code: 0
Number of balanced outcomes: 493
Number of constant outcomes: 507

Let's dissect this script.

from import *

This line loads DQCsim's host library and brings it into scope. Specifically, we're using the Simulator class.

runs = 1000
oracle = 'x'

These variables set the number of runs and the oracle under test.

with Simulator('', 'null') as sim:

This line starts a simulation. You can call the Simulator() constructor in many different ways; the one we're using here is very similar to the command line we used before. However, instead of using strings to try to hack a list of host calls in there (which isn't even supported by the constructor), we'll interact with the simulation while it's running.

The with syntax used here is shorthand notation for the following:

sim = Simulator('', 'null')
# block contents

Calling the Simulator() constructor doesn't really do anything yet; it just configures a simulation. In fact, you're free to use it more than once, as long as you don't try to have multiple simulations running at the same time.

The simulate() function actually starts the simulation, in the sense that it spawns the plugins and calls their initialization callbacks (if applicable), but it doens't call our handle_run() callback yet. The stop() function performs the inverse operation of simulate(); it ensures that all the spawned processes get cleaned up.

sim.start(oracle=oracle, runs=runs)

This line actually starts the simulation. The keyword arguments specified are used to construct the ArbData argument, which the plugin library unpacks into keyword arguments again when it calls handle_run().

results = [sim.recv()['result'] for _ in range(runs)]

This list comprehension calls recv() just as many times as the algorithm runs for, and records the result key of the returned ArbData object into a list. These entries should be either 'balanced' or 'constant'.

Note that there is a possibility of a deadlock here: if the algorithm wouldn't call send() as often as we expect, everything would logically lock up. DQCsim detects all possible kinds of deadlocks on the host interface however, and immediately throws an exception instead. Try it out!


This line waits for the handle_run() callback to return. wait() returns an ArbData object corresponding to what the handle_run() returned, but we're not using that feature, so we just discard it.

print('Number of balanced outcomes:', results.count('balanced'))
print('Number of constant outcomes:', results.count('constant'))

These two lines count the number of 'balanced' vs. 'constant' occurrences in the result list. As we can see when we run the script, the chance is 50/50. With a perfect qubit simulator backend you should get 1000 balanced and zero constant outcomes. When you add an error model to the simulation, you might get something in between.

Note that we're using regular print statements here, versus using DQCsim's log system. In fact, we have to do this: DQCsim's log system is intended for the plugins only. You can, however, instruct the Simulator() object to forward the messages it receives to Python's logging library to get uniform output. This is beyond the scope of this tutorial.