Host/simulation anatomy

To run a simulation (that is, make a host process) with the C++ interface, you start with a SimulationConfiguration object. The most important thing to do with this object is to configure which plugins you want to use, particularly the frontend and backend. You do this by adding plugin configurations using with_plugin() or add_plugin(). These plugin configurations are in turn constructed with the Frontend(), Operator(), and Backend() shorthands, followed by the appropriate builder functions for how you want to launch the plugins.

When you're done with your configuration, call build() or run(). The difference is that the former only initializes the simulation and then passes control over to you, while the latter is a shorthand for just calling run(), which is usually sufficient. After this, you may want to write a reproduction file with write_reproduction_file(); this file allows you to reproduce your simulation exactly using the DQCsim command line (as long as the plugins only use DQCsim's pseudorandom number generator or are deterministic) without even needing your host program anymore.

The simplest example for running a simulation is therefore as follows:

#include <dqcsim>
using namespace dqcsim::wrap;

int main() {


  return 0;

Plugins can either run as separate processes (as above), or can run as threads within the host process. You can for instance insert the hello world frontend we'd defined in the previous section as follows:

#include <dqcsim>
using namespace dqcsim::wrap;

ArbData run(RunningPluginState &state, ArbData &&arg) {
  INFO("Hello, World!");
  return ArbData();

int main() {

      Plugin::Frontend("hello", "JvS", "v1.0")

  return 0;

Note that simulations with plugins defined in-place in the host process cannot be reproduced through a reproduction file. Therefore, the reproduction system was turned off here.